
Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Quick Update

I am doing a short update for one reason. To discuss why I have pulled my support for Glittersniffer Cosmetics.

Since I left the fanpage, and stepped down as an admin there I have gotten tons of private messages asking why. I do not have the time to outline in detail my reasons, keep it level headed and manage to remain respectful at this time, so if you would like to know my reasons, PM me on Facebook or Email me. I intend to outline my reasons for leaveing in a future blog (along with some info on other companies to take a look at) but I need to calm down for now. Emotions are running high for me concerning what happened and until I can write a blog about it without compromising the integrity of this blog, I just won't do it. Feel free to contact me privately if you want to know immediately or if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.

Thanks ladies, and I hope I don't lose your support over my decision to pull away from Glittersniffer.

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